2019 – YEMEN – Solar well

In September 2019 Wish Foundation kick-started an initiative to raise funds for a 90-metre deep, solar powered, pump driven water well with 6,000 litre storage tanks in the Bajel district of Hodeida province, Yemen.

In only a few short weeks we were able to raise the funds necessary to complete the project and service over 952 people in the 4 surrounding suburbs.

It was such a satisfying feeling watching masses of people arrive with their barrels to take water back to their homes.

Previously, the residence of the surrounding suburbs would have to travel between 4 to 8km to reach clean drinking water, which would take a significant amount of time to fill up considering the depth of the wells and being operated manually.

With easier access to pumped water, powered by the sun, we have been able to successfully change the lives of many suffering Yemeni families with minimal environmental impact.

The current facility contains 12 faucets which allows 12 people to fill up water simultaneously. How about that!