This year we launch our first ever Sow-A-Seed campaign, providing special hybrid maize seed (which is more resilient to drought than traditional seed) to help combat drought in the Kwale region in Kenya.
We managed to provide over 4 tonnes of seed to over 1,011 families in farming regions spread over 4 communities. Each family was provided with a 4kg bag of Pwani hybrid and Dayland hybrid maize seeds with instructions and tutorials showing them how to cultivate and grow the seeds to provide a sustainable food source throughout this difficult time.
We pray that the provision of the new hybrid seeds will grant these struggling communities with a good harvest to prepare them for future droughts.
Our program was focused on education and self-sustainability. Upon successful harvest of the existing crops, each farmer will donate a 4kg bag of the hybrid seeds to other struggling communities in the region with a hope that in the next few years our seeds will be spread all over Kenya!